Tuesday 23 January 2018

A Medley of Singable Verses: ONLINE ETYMOLOGY HELP!

Post #165
ORIGINAL SONG: These verses can be sung to  "The Limerick Song", as per YouTube here.
LIMERICK VERSE:  Original verses composed by Giorgio Coniglio, and compiled in January 2018
. Some of the verses have been submitted to the OEDILF website (the Omnificent English Dictionary in Limerick Form).
UPDATE and WORDPLAY-LINK: These and other verses have been compiled as limerick collections about word derivation on our sister blog "Edifying Nonsense". You can view the most recent post here, and then follow the links for earlier postings on that site. 

1. Dollar
2. Horse
3. Roach
4. Miser
5. Mystery
6. Haven
7. Gizzard
8. Lagoon
9. Dog
10. Mentor
11. Suitor
12. Whelp
13. Toff



(to the tune of "The Limerick Song"; display of the lyrics has been condensed to 4 lines for each verse, with internal rhyming in line 3, rather than the more customary 5-line limerick format.) 

1. Hey! Online Etymology Scholar,
Derivation explain for the 'dollar' —
Just as 'buckskin' spawned 'buck', it's a name that has stuck —
Widespread coinage from Europe: the thaler.

2. Etymology Online Resource,
Derivation explain for the 'horse' —
No link that's found, pal, with Pferd, equus, cheval;
The old English form 'hors' ran its course.

3. Hey! Online Etymology Coach,
Derivation explain for the 'roach' —
Cucaracha that's neutered, as Victorians tutored;
For, who cockroaches' love-life would broach?

4. Etymology Online Advisor,
Derivation explain for the 'miser' —
Middle English for 'wretch' from the Latin for 'kvetch'.
Modern usage? There's no one the wiser.

5. Hey! Online Etymology Oracle,
Divulge facts about 'mystery' historical' -- 
Greece and Rome: 'secret rites'; later, 'Dark, stormy nights...'
Now this query -- It's merely rhetorical? 

6. Hey! Online Etymology Maven,
Derivation explain for the 'haven' —
Old Norse Hofn: for 'port' from which Norsemen resort
To spread 'havoc' midst folks who are craven. 

7. Hey! Online Etymology Wizard,
Derivation explain for the 'gizzard' —
Roman gourmands would howl, "More gigeria (fowl
Innards)!; hold off the garum and lizard."

8. Etymology Online Kahuna,
Derivation recall for 'lagoon' -- A  
Spanish lake or salt pool (not Hawaiian, you fool!),
I've forgotten the rest - a lacuna.

9. As confessed, "We did doggedly slog
At Online Philological Blog.
There's no getting around, your word hounded out 'hound':
Etymologists find it a dog."

10. Hey! Online Etymology Centre,
Derivation explain for the 'mentor' --
Guide described in the story of Ulysses, whose glory
Homer told as a sage (or inventor).

11. In that vein, Etymology Tutor,
Derivation explain for the 'suitor' --
Latin secutor: 'follower', one whose prospects grow hollower
When Ulysses returns to dispute her. 

12. Hey! Online Etymology Help,
Derivation explain for the 'whelp' --
'Naive boy', root for 'puppy' (Not a hippy or yuppie).
It's Old English -- the same goes for 'yelp'.

13. Hey! Online Etymology Prof,
Derivation explain for the ‘toff' -- 
(Nineteenth C.): Oxbridge chaps with gold tufts worn on caps
Titillated the townies to scoff.

 (Click on any chord-chart slide to move to 'song-presentation mode'; then navigate through thumbnails at bottom of page.)

Check out  the origin of the 'DOLLAR' at Wikipedia#1, Wikipedia#2, and The Online Etymology Dictionary.

Check out the origin of the 'HORSE' at Wikipedia  and The Online Etymology Dictionary.

Check out the origin of the 'ROACH' at The Online Etymology Dictionary.

Check out the origin of the 'MISER' at  The Online Etymology Dictionary.

Check this link for 'weird foods in Ancient Rome'

Check out the mystery in the origin of the word 'DOG' at The Online Etymology Dictionary and at Wikipedia.

SINGABLE LIMERICKS: An exemplary parody, based on the famed Nantucket original verses.

For wordplay (palindromes, anagrams, eggcorns, creative cartography, etc.) and silly poetry (polished limericks), see our sister blog "EDIFYING NONSENSEhere

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