Saturday 29 October 2016

Singable Medley: Limericks for Halloween "MURDER AND MAYHEM"

POST #133             

SINGABLE LIMERICKS, inspired by a Hallowe'en ukejam theme-night with songs dedicated to "Murder and Mayhem"
ORIGINAL SONG: These verses can be sung to  "The Limerick Song", as in "The Flea and the Fly". See sactoGranny's recording on YouTube here.
LIMERICK VERSES set to music:  Giorgio Coniglio, October 2016. 

1. Firepower
2. Scary Upshot
3. Dispatch
4. Concealed Carry
5. Grisly/Grizzly
6. Cimetiere
7. Untimely Demise
8. By Halves
9. Cemetarians/Zombies

AUTHOR'S NOTE: In general, I am not into black humour. But it is Hallowe'en after all!


(to the tune of 'The Limerick Song', uncannily transposed to a minor key. Display of the lyrics has been condensed to 4 lines for each verse, with internal rhyming in line 3, rather than the more customary 5-line limerick format.)  

(Click on any chord-chart slide to move to 'song-presentation mode'; then navigate through thumbnails at bottom of page.)


Monday 17 October 2016


This blogpost is dedicated to P.H., with best holiday and BIRTHDAY wishes, December 2017.

SINGABLE LIMERICKS inspired by a recent visit to Vancouver Island's appealing east coast. 
ORIGINAL SONG: These verses can be sung to  "The Limerick Song", as in "The Flea and the Fly". See sactoGranny's recording on YouTube here. Additionally, it was realized that with a few mild modifications, the same lyrics could be sung to the ballad "Black Velvet Band" as sung by the Irish-Canadian band The Irish Rovers. ballad. A number of verses are displayed using this chord-sequence as well - WIP.
ORIGINAL LIMERICK VERSE:  Giorgio Coniglio, October 2016.

1. The Chemainus Suite 
2. Nanaimo Bars
3. British Columbia
4. For more songs about Vancouver Island, see the subsequent post "Vancouver's Isle

Lenora Mines at Mt. Sicker
Mural, Peter Bresnen
Chemainus Festival of Murals Society

Blog author inspecting the Historical Mural Series
Chemainus, B.C.

Local Resident Viewing the Mural
"Arrival of the Reindeer in Horseshoe Bay"
Chemainus, B.C.

"Second Chemainus Sawmill" muralist Bruce Rickett
Chemainus, B.C. (web-photo)

Rainbow over Ladysmith Harbour at Saltair
(village just north of Chemainus)

Ladysmith Harbour during a sunny interlude
 October, 2016. 


(to the tune of "The Limerick Song" . Display of the lyrics has been condensed to 4 lines for each verse, with internal rhyming in line 3, rather than the more customary 5-line limerick format.) 

1. The industrial base of Chemainus
Its historical murals explain us 
A few ancestors thrived  / (logging barely survived) --
Their respect for the land was disdainous.
   On Mt. Sicker o’erlooking the brine
Lived a miner with child Clementine. 
She ran off with a logger / (as retold by this blogger),   
Took his liquor, and shoes number nine.
   Gord, an eco-wise man near Chemainus,
Panned for gold, an old tale to entrain us. 
But it’s not as you think -- / he adored tin or zinc,   
But the ore he deplored was uranous.
   Rex, a royalist chap from Chemainus,
Thought that monarchists’ views should constrain us.
In his note to the Queen /  He expressed why he’s keen, 
“Visit! Come over soon, for you reign us.”
  An astronomy buff from Chemainus
Suffered craving for chocolate most heinous.
He snarfed heavenly Stars, / Milky-Ways and Mars bars,
But his fave nighttime site was Uranus.
  In a bar, not too far from Chemainus, 
Sang a man with guitar to refrain us.
"From your face wipe that grin! / townfolks' patience grows thin:
Your poor verses do not entertain us." 

2. A Nanaimo bar's something you eat,
Not where beer-buffs or barristers meet.
It's not gold mined for bling, / or four beats that you sing,
But for tea or dessert it's a treat.

3. New to British Columbia? Rain
Won't extinguish the anguish and strain.
Frequent downpours and drizzle / can abolish life's sizzle.
Cherish sunny climes? Get on a plane.

Canada Day 2015 (singable limericks)
Limericks About Chemainus, B.C. (see below)

(Click on any chord-chart slide to move to 'song-presentation mode'; then navigate through thumbnails at bottom of page.)