Saturday 19 December 2020



ORIGINAL SONG: "The Elements", Tom Lehrer, 1959.

PARODY COMPOSED: Dr. G.H. and Giorgio Coniglio, 2015. This song is the seventh of nine in the series on Word-Pairs
To see the lyrics displayed more concisely without the chord-indications (and to return to the corresponding date's post on "Daily Illustrated Nonsense"), click HERE

WORDPLAY LINK: For discussion of reduplications on our sister blogsite "EDIFYING NONSENSE", click HERE

This post is a follow-up to "The Reduplications: A Lesson"

  This collection of fascinating phrases has been modified somewhat since its original posting on the site Thanks are due to Al Silver, Becky Hurwitz and Uncle Paul for suggesting several examples which were incorporated into the current version. 

 The original posting of The Lesson, and this subsequent posting of The Lexicon will contain a total of over 250 examples of reduplication.

WARNING!  Do not attempt to sing this lesson at the pace of a patter-song. The management of this blog will take no responsibility for any injuries sustained.

(Click on any chord-chart slide to move to 'song-presentation mode'; then navigate through thumbnails at bottom of page.)

I seem to be addicted to this "OS" (original song) as a vehicle for parodies. Try using the search function at the top of the page ("Lehrer" will get you there) to review the 4 previous submissions of this type.

You can play/sing Tom Lehrer's original patter-song, The Elements, by checking out Corktunes, the songbook of the Corktown Ukulele Jam here. The chord-charts have the alternate-line superscript format that many ukers find preferable.

Lehrer had adapted the melody from "The Major General's Song" from Gilbert and Sullivan's "Pirates of Penzance". There are 3 somewhat different melodies/chord-sequences used in alteration through the G/S song, and in Lehrer's derived take-off. 

'honey-bunny', an alternate form

You crave more patter-songs in the style of Tom Lehrer???
T.L. inspired a significant platterful of songs related to our interest in grammatically paired words,including binomials and reduplications. And, you should have your foot in the door, having mastered the complexities of singing and playing our above offering "The Uniqueness of Nuclear" So, enjoy trying these as well !!!     
1a. "Alliterative Binomials, part#1"
3.  "A Lesson about Reduplications" (not a patter-song)
5.  "No Elements", 3rd declension Latin nouns
6.  "The Uniqueness of Nuclear", Latin adjectival listing, scheduled for April 2024.