Saturday 29 October 2022

Uke-Song: A geriatric odyssey, "UNDER MY OWN STEAM", part #1

ORIGINAL SONG: "I've Been Everywhere", by Lucky Starr, covered by Hank Snow, Johnny Cash, Canadian Stompin' Tom Connors, et al. 
PARODY COMPOSED: Giorgio Coniglio, June 2013.   To see the lyrics displayed more concisely without the chord-indications (and to return to "Daily Illustrated Nonsense"), click HERE.


(to the tune of "I've Been Everywhere")

(Click on any chord-chart slide to move to 'song-presentation mode'; then navigate through thumbnails at bottom of page.)

I like doing this song with progressive key changes, as in the Lucky Starr versions of the song; or if you like you can keep it simple like Johnny Cash did, and leave it all in the key of C.

Wednesday 19 October 2022

Uke-Song: "The BALLAD of RUDY GIULIANI, part #2" (the disappointment of Max Boot)

SONG with UKULELE-Chords

ORIGINAL SONG: The Ballad of Davy Crockett , by Bruns and Blackburn, Walt Disney Studios 1954, anthem of the "Crockett craze". Several versions of the song were prominent on the Top Ten in 1955.

Related image You-tube versions of the song by several performers are available via links on the previous post.  
SATIRE COMPOSED: Dr. G.H. and Giorgio Coniglio, June 2018. To return to the corresponding post on "Daily Illustrated Nonsense" (and to see the lyrics without the chord-chart indications) click HERE

BACKGROUND INFO: Max Boot's opinion-editorial appeared in our local newspaper on May 8, 2018, under the heading "The long, disappointing fall of Rudy Giuliani". Here are the links to the particular newspaper column, and to the parody lyrics.
Other takes on Giuliani's statements about the Presidents' legal and personal imbroglios are given by Jennifer Rubin HERE, and Amy Sorkin HERE.

SONGLINK: Readers interested in this topic might also enjoy Giorgio's songs on these earlier blogposts ...
 "The Ballad of Rudy Giuliani, part #1"
 "Indiana Song"
  "Brennan's Tweet"
  "Dark Plans (Russian Hacking)"
  "First Year on the Range".

The BALLAD of GIULIANI, part#2

(to the tune of "The Ballad of Davy Crockett")


UKULELE-FRIENDLY FORMAT (and guitar, too!)
(Click on any chord-chart slide to move to 'song-presentation mode'; then navigate through thumbnails at bottom of page.)

* Boot's article mentions other conservative leaders whom he admired and respected previously, including Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Newt Gingrich and Scott Walker.